Yo ...wazzup Zack here , I wanna discuss about this interesting topic " How To Improve In Chess ? " . Every chess player want to know about this . How to get better in chess ? How to get progress in chess tactics? How fast you make a progress ? So , you will find out here , later I will discuss here.
Take Small Skill
Lets focus on basic of chess , how to improve our position ? And how to get advantage on it ? A collection of small advantages will become a big advantage . Small advantages such as your current good position , small blunder by you opponent and so on will become big advantage for you. Sometimes small advantage means nothing for you . However , once you gather all those small advantages , you will find you are in a good position to fire a shot . Chess improvement also happen like that as well . You cannot improve in a short time . It requires a collection of small improvement such as good opening , deep understanding, better visualization and so on . Once you have collected all small critical improvement , finally , you will find yourself on the next level , probably win a tournament or win a trophy.
Learn One By One
The important point is even a small training require a lot of practice and take weeks to practice. You cannot learn a lot of new skills at the same time . You need to focus to one small skill for long time.You will get a new skills one by one , not all skills at the same time. Chess progress will happen in leaps. You learn small skill one by one for a long time , and you will not realize any progress , but once you have get the critical mass of small improvement , you will make a sudden leap forward. Your mission is to to collect small improvements constantly. Make it a habit , in a week or two , learn a new skills , that means you will change something in your games everyday.Everyday you will practice a new move .
Play Like Live At Stake
Play chess games like your life is at stake . So you will play very hard . It is like you are in a war zone. You have two choices , that is kill or be killed . So, if you play like that , you will keep focus on your game, you won't waste any pieces and you won't waste any point .
Play Real Chess
Play real chess not Hope Chess . Hope Chess means chess for training purpose . Players will not think about what opponent can do in response . They just hope , opponent will fall in their plans . So remember ,every time you wanna make a move , think what opponent will response .
Use All Your Time
You will be given time to think and make a move , so use it wisely . use all the given time .Strong players will use all the given time to think in the game . However , if you are in this this situation , in a position which with tactical possibilities , or you about to make a big decision, then slow down and think deeply.
Finally "When You See A good Move, Look For A Better One"
So , when you find some good moves , choose the best one , That Quote is credited to Emanuel Lasker. And another useful "checklist " before you move is :
Is ti safe ?Recommendations
Is it any good ?
Is another move better ?
I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .
Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .