Free Chess Course


Friday, 18 September 2015

How To Improve In Chess ?

Yo ...wazzup Zack here  , I wanna discuss about this interesting topic " How To Improve In Chess ? " . Every chess player want to know about this . How to get better in chess ? How to get progress in chess tactics? How fast you make a progress ? So , you will find out here , later I will discuss here.

Take Small Skill

Lets focus on basic of chess , how to improve our position ? And how to get advantage on it ? A collection of small advantages  will become a big advantage . Small advantages such as your current good position , small blunder by you opponent  and so on  will become big advantage for you. Sometimes small advantage means nothing for you . However , once you gather all those small advantages , you will find you are in a good position to fire a shot .  Chess improvement also happen like that as well . You cannot improve in a short time . It requires  a collection of small improvement such as good opening , deep understanding, better visualization and so on . Once you have collected all small critical improvement , finally , you will find yourself on the next level , probably win a tournament or win a trophy.

Learn One By One

The important point is even a small training require a lot of practice and take weeks to practice. You cannot learn a lot of new skills at the same time . You need to focus to one small skill for long time.You will get a new skills one by one , not all skills at the same time. Chess progress will happen in leaps. You learn small skill  one by one for a long time , and you will not realize any progress , but  once you have  get the critical mass of small improvement , you will make a sudden leap forward. Your mission is to to collect small improvements constantly.  Make it a habit , in a week or two , learn a new skills , that means you will change something in your games everyday.Everyday you will practice a new move .

Play Like Live At Stake

Play chess games like your life is at stake . So you will play very hard . It is like you are in a war zone. You have two choices , that is kill or be killed . So, if you play like that , you will keep focus on your game, you won't waste any pieces and  you won't waste  any point .

Play Real Chess

Play real chess not Hope Chess . Hope Chess  means  chess for training purpose . Players will not think about what opponent can do in response  . They just hope , opponent will fall in their plans . So remember ,every time you wanna make a move , think what opponent will response .

Use All Your Time 

You will be given  time to think and  make a move , so use it wisely . use all the given time .Strong players will use all the given time to think in the game . However , if you are in this this situation , in a position which with tactical possibilities , or you about to make a big decision, then slow down and think deeply.

Finally "When You See A good Move, Look For A Better One" 

So , when you find some good moves , choose the best one , That Quote is credited to Emanuel Lasker. And another useful "checklist " before you move is  :

Is ti safe ?
Is it any good ?
Is another move better ? 

I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Free Chess Training For Beginner

Yo wazzap !, this is a free chess training for a beginner . Basically this free training is a mini training is entitled " Quick Success in Chess " . In this course , you will be given  powerful practical tips . This course will guide you to find the best move , and do it quickly . You can either Click Here To Visit Free Chess Course Site directly , or  click on the image below .


So, lets find out what is the content of this chess mini course .

Lesson 1 : Finding The Best Move Quickly ( Video  )
Lesson 2 : Break The  3000 Rating Barrier ! ( Video)
Lesson 3 : How To Improve In Chess ?
Lesson 4 : Do You Know It ? ( Part 1  )
Lesson 5 : Do You Know It ? ( Part 2 ) ( Video )
Lesson 6 : The Most Common Mistake ( Video )

So , I hope you will enjoy this Free Chess Training  and I you will get benefit from this course. If you want  paid chess courses , Click Here For Paid Training Course ,  good bye till then .

Monday, 14 September 2015

5 Tactics For Beginners

Every new chess player will be facing difficulty to understand the game . Please don't worry , even professional player feel the same too when they are in an early stage. In fact , there are a few basic concepts that every  beginner must know  for quick improvement. Below are a few tactics for beginner in order to improve their  chess games to the next level.

Use Every Pieces

Use every pieces and don't stick to only one piece. Some player fall in love to certain pieces. And other pieces are left sitting down there without any movement. Some player like to use Queen because it is powerful . Some people like to use fork , they like the forking and jumping power of knights. Some players like long-range power of rook and bishops. But whatever it is , a good player must involve all those pieces in the game if   you wanna win . One quick tip  is , in chess opening , try to move every pieces only one move, not twice . By doing this , every pieces are ready  to involve in the game.

Study Opponent's Move

Every time you want to make a move , please study what is your opponent plan to do , what is his intention . It is a compulsory routine before making any movement . You will thinking one step ahead , so that , you would not become the victim of sudden checkmate  because you have prepared for that. Try to spot a threat created by your opponent . Try to spot your opponent move that fail to attack your pieces  and at the same time , find out opponent's blunders . Take advantage of his blunders and attack back .

Don't Rush

Whatever situation you are facing , whatever decision you make , please don't rush , take your time and plan ahead and  study your opponent's move. Your goal is to stay in the game win  the game , not to finish as soon as possible , so no rushing please ! . The best way to stay calm an avoid commit wrong move is , don't ever touch the pieces until you are very sure that move is safe. You tend to make mistakes , and rushing to move when you pick the piece and not sure where to put , and at the same time , time is running out , and you would be forced to make a wrong move . This move lead you to make blunders .

Safety Is Very Important

The safety of your pieces is very important  . If the game ended with draw , value of each player is counted , and player that has more valuable pieces win the game . Of course the safety of the King is the most important.  If you are leading the game , the most important thing you must do is , remove all threat away from your King , secure your defense , move your King away from your opponent's range. Don't let your King be mated unexpectedly , and in the end you will win the game .

Study Basic End Game 

Normally at the end of game , both players has less pieces left , and both player try to attack each other with limited number of pieces. You need to know how to attack your opponent using your King , Pawn , Bishops and Knights . Usually , end game situation is King and Pawn versus King . That is why you need to know some basic end games. When your are at the end of the game , with less pieces left , basic knowledge of end games  will help you to win the game.

If you want a complete course created by Profesional head over here  The Grandmaster's Positional Understanding  .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

How to Avoid Blunders In Chess ? Better Tactics Needed....


It is impossible to avoid blunders in chess , even the world's greatest player   cannot avoid blunders in chess games even within two or three steps ahead , they gonna win the game . However , you can try to minimize the frequency of your blunders . I will show to you a few  tips to avoid blunders.

Look Far Ahead

You must look far ahead when analyzing your opponent's position. Usually beginners , never do deep analysis and think ahead , they always make decision in a hurry  . They decide to move without sufficient analysis.

Don't Relax

Please don't relax when you able to attack the opponent , and you have more valuable pieces compare to your opponent . Just keep on attacking . When you able to take your opponent's Queen , this doesn't mean you have already win the game . Just don't give space for opponent to attack . If you are unable to take opponent's pieces , don't give space for your opponent to attack you back. Evaluate your position after several moves . Make sure you block all your opponent's chance to check your King , and at the same time take the safest route to attack your opponent . Please don't rush to get an easy win .

Changing Moves

If you fail to take opponent's pieces at  first try , it doesn't means the attack is not dangerous. Maybe that move should be at third or fourth move . So , you need to change the sequence of the move . The threat maybe not dangerous at the moment , but at certain situation , that move is the key of your success.

Take Your Time After Blunder

Make sure you take your time after blunder , study your mistakes, and the most important , don't disappointed , evaluate again your position , maybe you still ahead , or at least your are still in the game . Frustration will lead to more blunders and much harder to overcome and get back to the game. The worst part is , you might lose the game.

Remember Basics Thing

You must always remember basic step. When opponent move , put  a question mark inside your head " why he make that move ? " Always ask yourself that questions . Also , before make any move . always check either that move safe or not . There are very simple questions , that will prevent you from making big mistakes .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Value Of Pieces In Chess Tactics


Even GM Kasparov cannot calculate chess move from start until the end . In fact , nobody in the world can calculate the whole game . Only computer can do that but only a limited number of movement ahead  . Most of chess player tend to do mistakes . The mistakes happen at the beginning , middle or the end of the game . Calculate the maximum move ahead , beyond that we need to rely on tactics and strategy at the current position . Remember each position has different strategies and tactics. These strategies will guide us in finding the best tactics and moves at the current position . Chess strategy consist of variety concepts starting from value of pieces until evaluate the position . If you train yourself to adapt with all those concepts , you will be a good chess player soon .

Value Of Pieces

Lets us understand what is the role of every pieces in chess game. Let us understand the value of every pieces in chess . Usually , we will face the situation , that is , exchange pieces with opponent , such as , opponent take our bishop and we take opponent's rook . Do we know the value rook compared to bishop ? How to know that this trade is good for us ? There some basic factors to be taken into account. Beginners must know some basic values of each pieces . If you want to trade pieces with your opponent , make sure you take more valuable pieces . Below are list of chess pieces and its value :


Pawns are basic piece of chess , value 1 .

Bishops and Knights

Bishops and Knights , each of them worth about 3 pawns . Some people consider Bishops worth more than Knights , about 3.25 .


Rooks worth about 5 pawns.


Queen worth about 9 pawns , almost double value for rooks.


King's value is infinity , The king can never be exchanged , losing your King will result in losing the game , and the game is over .

Bishops Role

Bishops is stronger than knights . When use properly , bishops is quite powerful . At certain position and situation , Bishops is stronger than Knights. What is Bishops's best position ?. Bishops were at their best on open position , where all pawns, especially central pawns have been  traded.

Bad And Good Bishops

Bishops is categorized as " good " or " bad " base on relationship with their pawns  . See the diagram below , black Bishops is " bad " because it shares white square with pawns . And its movement is blocked by pawns. However white Bishop is "good"  because , the bishop on white square and pawns are on black square . In the diagram below , both players controls light-squared bishops.

In fact "good" and "bad" term for  Bishops  is not used regularly in chess . The reality is good Bishop can move freely anywhere . And bad Bishop always blocked by its own pieces . Sometimes bad Bishop is useful , because Bishops and Pawns can defend each other.

Active Bishop

What is active Bishop ? Active Bishop a bishop that outside the pawn's chain , positioned far from pawns . Which means , this Bishop is free to move anywhere . Active Bishop  has better chance and freedom to move anywhere . Active Bishop does not trapped inside pawns chain . Both "good " and " bad" Bishops can become active Bishop .

Opposite Color Bishops

The opposite-colored Bishops is is very useful weapon when attack your opponent . These Bishops cannot take each other because both sitting on different color square . It is difficult to defense when other bishop is attacking . In the end game , different-colored bishop tend to benefit the weaker site. Possibly , secure a draw when pieces only left 2 bishops with different color.

See diagram above , black pawn is only one step to be promoted to Queen . But White Bishops is waiting up there . The game will be forced to draw if  black pawn  been taken by black bishop.

Bishop Role in The End Game.

Bishop is the strongest at the end of game , when opponent only has pawn . Because bishop is a long range piece . In diagram above , 5 black pawns waiting to cross the line covered by long range bishop. But they cannot cross  because all will die.  White won the game because only one pawn promoted to be a Queen . 

Wrong-Colored Bishop at The End Game

White Bishop cannot protect pawn to be promoted . The Black King is blocking the pawn. And Bishop can do nothing because of different colored square.


Every chess pieces has its own value , and every chess pieces has its own role. Bishops are among the strongest pieces in chess . Rook also good for attacking . So , whatever pieces you have  , plan ahead and use is wisely to check . 


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Thursday, 10 September 2015

5 Chess Tactics To Improve Your Chess


Every chess player need to improve chess games. There are many tactics to improve chess games. Some players play more chess games to improve their games , some chess players solve many tactical puzzles , some of them study chess tactical theory over internet  and some of them read so many chess books.

Basically , there are no best method to improve chess for everyone. Different person need different ways  to improve their games. However , this 5 tactical methods are suitable for everyone including chess players, coaches and trainers to improve chess games. Every chess player must know this 5 tactical methods .

Play More chess

Some player ignore this method , the more you play , the more experience you will gain. You can apply what you have learned in theory to practical. This exercise will help you to think and apply what you have learned. For the purpose of training, long games are best, however blitz games are good learning experience too. Play chess games with different level of opponent also good for exercise .

Study Annotated Master Games 

The great way to improve your chess is play the games of masters. These games teach player to use their knowledge, tactics , techniques , formulate plans and execute endgames. The are various annotated master games collection out there in the market  which you can buy . You might pick a master games played by best player in the world  such as Kasparov , and study their games .

Make A Review of Your Own Games

Study other games played by best player is good , but learn from your own mistakes also good. Review of your own games ,especially mistakes you've done. This action will improve your games tactics and performance. You can do analysis and examine your weakness and your strength .  your also can examine your biggest mistake that lead to check mate .  Please make it habit , write , or record the movement of your pieces when playing chess games .

It is good if a stronger player can check and review your games , you can learn a lot from this guy . The stronger player would definitely see your weakness , your mistakes , see things you missed , and  give additional and positive feedback , and you can improve your games . Your need  a stronger sparring partner to play with , and you can learn a lot of tips from that guy . You can also use computer to analyze your games , just  Google it , you can find website or software that can analyze your chess games , but computer analyzing is not same as human . Although computer is very good in pointing out tactical mistakes , it cannot do what human can do like give feedback , advice and so on.

Learn Tactics , Tactics, Tactics.

Tactics will decide the winner of the game , especially for beginners . Normally , beginners doesn't have any tactics . That is why they lose the game easily . By learning tactics you can beware of threat created by opponent , and you will prepare with solid defensive . By learning tactics also , when you play against weaker opponent , you need to attack . In order to win the game you need to use good attacking tactics . When you are in attacking mode , at the same time you need to prepare for immediate attack by unsuspecting opponent . You need to learn attacking pattern and defensive pattern.

There are many teacher out there, and also many e-books  out there , in my opinion this is the best e-books I have  ever found  , the writer is GM  Igor Smirnov, visit his site here  , he write so many tactical books , and also he conduct chess course .

Private Chess Lessons With Personal Trainers 

Personal trainers can help you to improve your games , he can be your sparring partner , he can your teacher , he can be your friend , he can give opinion directly when you make a mistake , he can judge you during the game . Having your personal trainer in front of you is very good experience . He will be together with you all  the time , and he knows exactly what is your weakness and your strength. And he can design lessons base on your ability . Finding a good teacher is not difficult , just ask your friend that actively involve in tournaments . The fastest way is get an online teacher . Just google on internet , there are so many online teachers .  Remember , if your teacher is a GM ( Grand Master ) , he will teach you like a GM , if your teacher is an intermediate player , he will teach you like an intermediate player . So both  teachers and online teacher has pro and cons respectively . Choose the right teacher and you will improve your chess games and get success .


Finally , playing chess is not simple as ABC , you need to learn tactics , you need courage and passion , of course need focus also , at the same time you need a strong person to guide you , that is a teacher , especially personal teacher , so that , you can improve you chess games , and could win the tournament . Stay cool , stay awesome .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Basic Chess Tactics For Beginners


Hi!  Today I wanna write about some basic chess tactics for beginners . Learning and knowing some basic tactics is a must for a beginner in order to win a game . Understanding some basic tactics  can help you to avoid making mistakes and help taking advantage for opponent's mistakes. In the tournament , games are won by players that make less mistakes and able to take advantage of opponents mistakes. The basic thing is to capture the unprotected pieces.


Sometimes , one piece can attach two opposing pieces at same time , which we call Fork . Knight is very popular because of its forking ability , but not only Knights , every pieces has ability to fork multiple enemies. See picture above , knight check the King  and at the same time attack the Queen. Opponent must save the King  and black Knight winning the Queen  Nxb7.


Pins is a very common tactics that restrict or disallow movement of opponent's piece. A pin happened when a pieces being attacked , and it cannot move anywhere , because it it move , opponent will capture more valuable piece located behind it. Only queen , rooks and bishops can create pins , because there are long range pieces. 

The pinned piece is disallow to move if  the piece behind the pinned piece is a king , because it is illegal to put the king in check. This is known as absolute pin.  If  moving pinned piece would only allow a more valuable piece such as queen , it is called a relative pin . 

The diagram above shows absolute pin. Although it is black turn's to move , no way to save the rook , because , trying to move would put the black king in check  because white bishop is waiting on  b3. When the black king escape  , Bishop can take black rook Bxd5 . 


Skewer almost similar to pin , but work in reverse . In a skewer a valuable piece is attacked and forced to move to avoid being captured , leaving a less valuable piece behind it to be captured. Skewer can only created by long-range pieces.  In diagram above , white rook check  black king , and the king must escape , leaving a queen to be captured. White play Rxe8 and white win the queen.


As a conclusion ,  those tactics techniques  I have discussed above is a basic tactics for beginners. If you are an advance player , you need more advance tactics .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Chess Opening Tactics Part 1


Hi, how are you ? How about your progress in chess games ? Today I wanna discuss about chess opening tactics . This is the very first step every chess player  must know . Whatever step that we take , will result in winning or losing the game. This is the step which every player must avoid making mistakes . There are many types of opening  that is divided into two groups , defensive opening or attacking opening. By understanding the basic of these various type of opening , your confidence level will increase during the tournament.

The Spanish Game 

Why it been called The Spanish Games ? Because it was introduced by a Spanish Priest in 1561 .
Nowadays it is been the most popular chess opening techniques in all levels. The opening move is 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5.

Berlin Defense 

This is Berlin Defense .  See picture above , see how black move . Both Knight  at c6 and f6  on third move . They make a solid defense  in front. Vladimir Kramnik used this move when he beat Garry Kasparov in their match for World Championship . Berlin Defense is very solid defense at an early game . Difficult for opponent to attack.

Italian Game Starting Position

This is Italian Game Starting Position   . This is the steps 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4. White puts the pressure on f7 , black weakest point.

Black Bishop move to f7 , this defense type was called Hungarian Defense .

This move was called  Two Nights Defense , Nf6 for third move.

French Starting Position

This is French starting position,  black and white move to e4 and e6 respectively.  It was a very solid defense .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

Monday, 7 September 2015

Chess Tactics For Beginners


Chess Tactics Why Necessary?

The game of chess require careful planning. If opponents' take your knight, and you can not take their knight, opponent has more pieces than you, then the opponent can win. If a player has more pieces than the other player then it will be easier to win and will force another player to resign.

Can those birds teach you to play chess haha !! Seriously , I like these birds , I've found this picture on internet , so , that is why I share in this blog. Now , back to this discussion topic. See picture below , you need to know the name of chess pieces.

So in the game of chess, a good situation is when you can take the opponent's pieces and he can not take your pieces. So you have more pieces and your opponent will give up. How did this happen? This situation occurs when you leave unattended pieces. The situation seemed under control until you move the knight who can simultaneously attack two opponent. So the piece will become a victim.


This is my first post to this blog. Not everyone knows how to play chess properly. There are people who just want to learn to play chess, and there are also those who already knows how to play chess. Some people are blessed with a natural talent for the game of chess. Learn from family members, such as brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers. They make their family members sparring partner.

What is the best strategy for a beginner? , First of all, you need to learn how to create a chess opening. Chess opening is very important to determine whether we win or lose in the game. Any mistake can not be done while making chess opening. If you are new to chess, when compared to a chess player GM (Grand Master), is somewhat misleading because the techniques used by those more advanced.

Double threat

The first tactic is a double threat. It means that every moves against your opponent must produce two problems for your opponent. So your opponent does not have time to defend themselves. Every chess player can only make one move at a time. So it must be constantly attacking. Examples like this, you attack a king, so he must save the king. So, the next move he will find a way to save the king. He will not waste a turn, so at this time, you should do the second attack.

Knights Forks

Everyone knows about the double threat of knight forks. As you know, one knight can attack two enemy at the same time. So, the opponent must select either one to escape. Similarly, the queen, he can attack many enemy in one move.

Attacks Discovered

That is an attack carried out by two different pieces. As we know, the opponent can only escape from an attack at a time. So you can make a check mate on the second attack, hopefully.

Involves pins or skewers.

These attacks occur when two pieces of the opponent are on the same line. And the attack will be made on the middle line and the opponent both hit by the attack, and one must escape. Again, you are doing a double threat in the first such attack.


Finally , there are so many chess tactics in chess world . I will reveal one by one chess tactics in this blog .  If you have any questions,  I hope you will leave comments below . Stay cool , stay awesome , bye!


I know an online chess teacher, Igor Smirnov , he can teach you how  to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool , Stay awesome, bye .