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Thursday, 10 September 2015

Basic Chess Tactics For Beginners


Hi!  Today I wanna write about some basic chess tactics for beginners . Learning and knowing some basic tactics is a must for a beginner in order to win a game . Understanding some basic tactics  can help you to avoid making mistakes and help taking advantage for opponent's mistakes. In the tournament , games are won by players that make less mistakes and able to take advantage of opponents mistakes. The basic thing is to capture the unprotected pieces.


Sometimes , one piece can attach two opposing pieces at same time , which we call Fork . Knight is very popular because of its forking ability , but not only Knights , every pieces has ability to fork multiple enemies. See picture above , knight check the King  and at the same time attack the Queen. Opponent must save the King  and black Knight winning the Queen  Nxb7.


Pins is a very common tactics that restrict or disallow movement of opponent's piece. A pin happened when a pieces being attacked , and it cannot move anywhere , because it it move , opponent will capture more valuable piece located behind it. Only queen , rooks and bishops can create pins , because there are long range pieces. 

The pinned piece is disallow to move if  the piece behind the pinned piece is a king , because it is illegal to put the king in check. This is known as absolute pin.  If  moving pinned piece would only allow a more valuable piece such as queen , it is called a relative pin . 

The diagram above shows absolute pin. Although it is black turn's to move , no way to save the rook , because , trying to move would put the black king in check  because white bishop is waiting on  b3. When the black king escape  , Bishop can take black rook Bxd5 . 


Skewer almost similar to pin , but work in reverse . In a skewer a valuable piece is attacked and forced to move to avoid being captured , leaving a less valuable piece behind it to be captured. Skewer can only created by long-range pieces.  In diagram above , white rook check  black king , and the king must escape , leaving a queen to be captured. White play Rxe8 and white win the queen.


As a conclusion ,  those tactics techniques  I have discussed above is a basic tactics for beginners. If you are an advance player , you need more advance tactics .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

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