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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Value Of Pieces In Chess Tactics


Even GM Kasparov cannot calculate chess move from start until the end . In fact , nobody in the world can calculate the whole game . Only computer can do that but only a limited number of movement ahead  . Most of chess player tend to do mistakes . The mistakes happen at the beginning , middle or the end of the game . Calculate the maximum move ahead , beyond that we need to rely on tactics and strategy at the current position . Remember each position has different strategies and tactics. These strategies will guide us in finding the best tactics and moves at the current position . Chess strategy consist of variety concepts starting from value of pieces until evaluate the position . If you train yourself to adapt with all those concepts , you will be a good chess player soon .

Value Of Pieces

Lets us understand what is the role of every pieces in chess game. Let us understand the value of every pieces in chess . Usually , we will face the situation , that is , exchange pieces with opponent , such as , opponent take our bishop and we take opponent's rook . Do we know the value rook compared to bishop ? How to know that this trade is good for us ? There some basic factors to be taken into account. Beginners must know some basic values of each pieces . If you want to trade pieces with your opponent , make sure you take more valuable pieces . Below are list of chess pieces and its value :


Pawns are basic piece of chess , value 1 .

Bishops and Knights

Bishops and Knights , each of them worth about 3 pawns . Some people consider Bishops worth more than Knights , about 3.25 .


Rooks worth about 5 pawns.


Queen worth about 9 pawns , almost double value for rooks.


King's value is infinity , The king can never be exchanged , losing your King will result in losing the game , and the game is over .

Bishops Role

Bishops is stronger than knights . When use properly , bishops is quite powerful . At certain position and situation , Bishops is stronger than Knights. What is Bishops's best position ?. Bishops were at their best on open position , where all pawns, especially central pawns have been  traded.

Bad And Good Bishops

Bishops is categorized as " good " or " bad " base on relationship with their pawns  . See the diagram below , black Bishops is " bad " because it shares white square with pawns . And its movement is blocked by pawns. However white Bishop is "good"  because , the bishop on white square and pawns are on black square . In the diagram below , both players controls light-squared bishops.

In fact "good" and "bad" term for  Bishops  is not used regularly in chess . The reality is good Bishop can move freely anywhere . And bad Bishop always blocked by its own pieces . Sometimes bad Bishop is useful , because Bishops and Pawns can defend each other.

Active Bishop

What is active Bishop ? Active Bishop a bishop that outside the pawn's chain , positioned far from pawns . Which means , this Bishop is free to move anywhere . Active Bishop  has better chance and freedom to move anywhere . Active Bishop does not trapped inside pawns chain . Both "good " and " bad" Bishops can become active Bishop .

Opposite Color Bishops

The opposite-colored Bishops is is very useful weapon when attack your opponent . These Bishops cannot take each other because both sitting on different color square . It is difficult to defense when other bishop is attacking . In the end game , different-colored bishop tend to benefit the weaker site. Possibly , secure a draw when pieces only left 2 bishops with different color.

See diagram above , black pawn is only one step to be promoted to Queen . But White Bishops is waiting up there . The game will be forced to draw if  black pawn  been taken by black bishop.

Bishop Role in The End Game.

Bishop is the strongest at the end of game , when opponent only has pawn . Because bishop is a long range piece . In diagram above , 5 black pawns waiting to cross the line covered by long range bishop. But they cannot cross  because all will die.  White won the game because only one pawn promoted to be a Queen . 

Wrong-Colored Bishop at The End Game

White Bishop cannot protect pawn to be promoted . The Black King is blocking the pawn. And Bishop can do nothing because of different colored square.


Every chess pieces has its own value , and every chess pieces has its own role. Bishops are among the strongest pieces in chess . Rook also good for attacking . So , whatever pieces you have  , plan ahead and use is wisely to check . 


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

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