Free Chess Course


Monday 14 September 2015

5 Tactics For Beginners

Every new chess player will be facing difficulty to understand the game . Please don't worry , even professional player feel the same too when they are in an early stage. In fact , there are a few basic concepts that every  beginner must know  for quick improvement. Below are a few tactics for beginner in order to improve their  chess games to the next level.

Use Every Pieces

Use every pieces and don't stick to only one piece. Some player fall in love to certain pieces. And other pieces are left sitting down there without any movement. Some player like to use Queen because it is powerful . Some people like to use fork , they like the forking and jumping power of knights. Some players like long-range power of rook and bishops. But whatever it is , a good player must involve all those pieces in the game if   you wanna win . One quick tip  is , in chess opening , try to move every pieces only one move, not twice . By doing this , every pieces are ready  to involve in the game.

Study Opponent's Move

Every time you want to make a move , please study what is your opponent plan to do , what is his intention . It is a compulsory routine before making any movement . You will thinking one step ahead , so that , you would not become the victim of sudden checkmate  because you have prepared for that. Try to spot a threat created by your opponent . Try to spot your opponent move that fail to attack your pieces  and at the same time , find out opponent's blunders . Take advantage of his blunders and attack back .

Don't Rush

Whatever situation you are facing , whatever decision you make , please don't rush , take your time and plan ahead and  study your opponent's move. Your goal is to stay in the game win  the game , not to finish as soon as possible , so no rushing please ! . The best way to stay calm an avoid commit wrong move is , don't ever touch the pieces until you are very sure that move is safe. You tend to make mistakes , and rushing to move when you pick the piece and not sure where to put , and at the same time , time is running out , and you would be forced to make a wrong move . This move lead you to make blunders .

Safety Is Very Important

The safety of your pieces is very important  . If the game ended with draw , value of each player is counted , and player that has more valuable pieces win the game . Of course the safety of the King is the most important.  If you are leading the game , the most important thing you must do is , remove all threat away from your King , secure your defense , move your King away from your opponent's range. Don't let your King be mated unexpectedly , and in the end you will win the game .

Study Basic End Game 

Normally at the end of game , both players has less pieces left , and both player try to attack each other with limited number of pieces. You need to know how to attack your opponent using your King , Pawn , Bishops and Knights . Usually , end game situation is King and Pawn versus King . That is why you need to know some basic end games. When your are at the end of the game , with less pieces left , basic knowledge of end games  will help you to win the game.

If you want a complete course created by Profesional head over here  The Grandmaster's Positional Understanding  .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

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