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Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Chess Opening Tactics Part 1


Hi, how are you ? How about your progress in chess games ? Today I wanna discuss about chess opening tactics . This is the very first step every chess player  must know . Whatever step that we take , will result in winning or losing the game. This is the step which every player must avoid making mistakes . There are many types of opening  that is divided into two groups , defensive opening or attacking opening. By understanding the basic of these various type of opening , your confidence level will increase during the tournament.

The Spanish Game 

Why it been called The Spanish Games ? Because it was introduced by a Spanish Priest in 1561 .
Nowadays it is been the most popular chess opening techniques in all levels. The opening move is 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5.

Berlin Defense 

This is Berlin Defense .  See picture above , see how black move . Both Knight  at c6 and f6  on third move . They make a solid defense  in front. Vladimir Kramnik used this move when he beat Garry Kasparov in their match for World Championship . Berlin Defense is very solid defense at an early game . Difficult for opponent to attack.

Italian Game Starting Position

This is Italian Game Starting Position   . This is the steps 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Bc4. White puts the pressure on f7 , black weakest point.

Black Bishop move to f7 , this defense type was called Hungarian Defense .

This move was called  Two Nights Defense , Nf6 for third move.

French Starting Position

This is French starting position,  black and white move to e4 and e6 respectively.  It was a very solid defense .


I know an online chess teacher , he can teach you to play like GM , because he is already GM , this course is  for beginner as well , so , I suggest you visit his Chess Site Here , or you can view Free Chess Course Here or Paid Chess Course Here .

Good bye till then , stay focus , stay cool ,bye .

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